Box Office: 585-232-4382.

Tue-Sat: 12-6pm. Sun & Mon: CLOSED

Current Shows


Encore 2025


Geva Theatre gratefully acknowledges the following businesses, foundations and government agencies for their generous support.
(Donations listed are for the period 3/1/24 to 3/1/25.)

ESL Federal Credit Union

Dr. Dawn Lipson

William & Sheila Konar Foundation*
Nixon Peabody LLP
The Blanche & Irving Laurie Foundation
The Shubert Foundation

$25,000- $49,999
Ameriprise- Nocon & Associates
Buckingham Properties, LLC
County of Monroe
The Davenport-Hatch Foundation
ESL Charitable Foundation
Mary S. Mulligan Charitable Trust**
New York State Council on the Arts**
New York State Division of Homeland Security
& Emergency Services

$10,000 – $24,999
Daisy Marquis Jones Foundation
Donald F. & Maxine B. Davison Foundation*
Fred & Floy Willmott Foundation
Glover-Crask Charitable Trust
Heveron & Company, CPAs, PLLC
McCarthy’s Tents & Events
National Endowment for the Arts
The Riedman Foundation
Rubens Family Foundation*
Sinclair Broadcast Group
St. John’s
Joseph & Irene Skalny Charitable Trust*
Vision Automotive Group
Volvo Cars Rochester
WARM 101.3 Radio

$5,000 – $9,999
Arts & Vitality Fund
at the Community Foundation
3 City Center
iHeartMedia/Clear Channel Broadcasting
The Joseph & Anna Gartner Foundation
M&T Bank
Madeline’s Catering
Max A. Adler Charitable Foundation
Theatre Development Fund

$2,500 – $4,999
Buffalo Spree Publishing, INC.
Center for Adolescent & Young Adult Health
Cornell/Weinstein Family Foundation*
Crisp Rochester
GP Flooring
The Gouvernet Arts Fund at
the Community Foundation
Hildebrandt Family Artistic Enhancement Fund
Labella Associates, P.C.
The LGBT+ Giving Circle at
the Community Foundation
News 8 WROC-TV
Rockcastle Florist
Elaine P. and Richard U. Wilson Foundation

$1,000 – $2,499
Abilene Bar & Lounge
Actors’ Equity Foundation
Ames Amzalak Memorial Trust*
Audacy Operations, Inc.
Century Liquor & Wines
Entre Computer Services
Excellus BlueCross BlueShield
The Jane Parker Foundation
The Queenan Foundation
Sinclair Broadcast Group
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Wegmans Food Markets*

$500 – $999
Joan & Harold Feinbloom
Supporting Foundation
Get Caked Bakery***
JAZZ 90.1
Marsherall Partners
Rohrbach Brewing Co.
Vangaurd Charitable Program
Waldron Rise Foundation


*Education Supporter
**Literary or New Works Supporter
***Home for the Holidays Supporter

We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these donor lists. However, if you see an error or omission, please accept our apology, and kindly call the Development Office at (585) 420-2049.

Geva Theatre thanks the following individuals for their generous contributions.
(Donations listed are for the time period 3/1/24 to 3/1/25.)
We are in the process of reimagining our Geva recognition and giving societies. Please look for changes in the future.

Dr. Dawn Lipson (Honorary Season Producer)

Anonymous (2)
Barbara & John Bruning
Philip & Sharon Burke
Patrick & Barbara Fulford
David & Patricia Gardner
Dr. Tomás C. Hernández*
& Dr. Keith S. Reas
Joe & Dale Klein
Barbara LaVerdi
& Bryan Donnelly
Matthew López & Brandon Clarke
Nanci Malin & Abe Weiss
Elizabeth Rennert*
Elise Rosenfeld
Eileen Amy Ryan
Mimi & Sam Tilton
Krestie Utech
Charis & Rich Warshof
Joyce & William Weir
Helen A. Zamboni
& Steven I. Rosen

Bonnie Garner
Richard & Kim Gray
Joanna & Michael Grosodonia
Warren+ & Joyce Heilbronner
Averil & Michael Riley
Tom & Tammy Rogers
Vicki+ & Richard Schwartz
Joan & Ken Slater

Peggy Boucher
Margaret & Tim Busch
Elizabeth Caldwell
Betsy & John Carver
Gloria Culver & Joe Anderson
Joan S. Dalberth
Bill Eggers & Deborah McLean
Dave & Nance Fiedler
Joanne Gianniny
Norman Horton+
The Geva Group- 40 Years
Connie Klein
Glenn & Nancy Koch
Dan & Kiki Mahar
Diane & Jerry McCue
Michael & Frances Millard
Dan & Jo-Ann O’Brien
Janet S. Reed
Maggie & Charlie Symington
Susan & Robert Touhsaent*
John S. Tritten
Janet M. Tyler
Thomas & Ann Ward
Dr. Stephen R. Webb
Sherwin Weinstein
& Linda Cornell Weinstein*

$2,500 – $4,999
Anonymous (2)
Daniel & Elizabeth Abbas
Jeanine Arden-Ort
& Dr. Daniel Ornt
Robert D. Baden
Dennis & Mary Bassett
Carol & John Bennett
Barbara Berman
Nelson A. Blish & Sharon Stiller
Robert & Diane Boni
Ed & Sarah Bullard
David J. & Margaret M. Burns
Essie Calhoun-McDavid
& Bernard McDavid
Center for Adolescent
& Young Adult Health
Barbara de Leeuw
Gary M. Domenico
& Barbara E. Buscaglia
Ann Dozier & Guy Martin
Hope Drummond
Peter Fackler & Kelly Barrett
Stan & Reenie Feingold
Richard & Joan Fenton*
Paul & Mary Fromm ***
Ellen Garfinkel
Pam Giambrone
Lori & Scott Green
Christina Gullo & John A. Mueller
Terry & Eileen Hartmann
James Haskins & Michael Whistler
Jane Hasselkus & Richard Edic
Nan & Tom Hildebrandt
Jean Horton
Dr. Jack & Harriette Howitt
Emily Jones & Deborah Hughes
Hon. Joan S. Kohout
Paul & Lynne Kroner
Abhas Kumar
& Chetna Chandrakala
Harold & Christine Kurland
Diane & Stephen LaLonde
Connie L. Leary
Jennifer Leonard
& David Cay Johnston
Edith M. Lord
Carol & Nick Love
Sarah Mangelsdorf & Karl Rosengren
Annabelle Martin
Lisa Martinez DeVinney
Faheem & Laurie Masood
Pamela McGreevy
Peter & Beth Messner
Steve Metzger
Barbara Mitacek**
Robert Neale & Rick Porlier
Rhonda Noto
Shree Pandya
Don & Robin Pulver
Dr. Gerald & Maxine Rosen
Laura J. Sadowski
Drs. Carl & OJ Sahler
Harold & Judy Samloff
Gary B. Schaefer
Dick Schieck & Joan Semrau
Wolf & Elizabeth Seka
Kelly & Kathleen Shea
Gail Shoemaker
Malcolm & Elaine Spaull
Franceen Elias-Stein & Todd Stein
James & Georgine Stenger
Judy & Richard Stiehler
Bob & Gayle Stiles
Jim & Pam Stoffel
Joshua Stubbe & Katie Baynes
Elizabeth M. Teall
Wynndy Turner
Nina Walker
Carol J. Whitbeck
John Williams
Elizabeth Williamson
& Jennifer Tennant
Herb Winkelmann, Jr.

$1,500 – $2,499
Allan C. Anderson
Catherine Angevine***
Drs. Karen & Mark Blazey
Mary & Brendan Brady***
Keith & Celeste Cleary***
Carol Condemi+
Susan & Frank Crego***
Doug & Stephanie Dickman
Mr. Raymond Dreher
& Dr. Elaine Tunaitis
Louise W. Epstein***
James & Kathy Farrar
Sue & Jim Haefner
Nancy D. Hessler
Daniel & Barbara Hoffman
In honor of Lisa Hoffman,
who loved her family
Victoria Kaminski
Wes & Mary Micket***
Nannette Nocon
& Karl Wessendorf
William J. O’Connor Jr.***
David & Marjorie Perlman
Elke Phillips***
Karen & Don Pryor
Dr. Ramon & Judith Ricker
Sharon & Leal Smith***
Dr. Sidney & Barbara Sobel
Jacqueline Sperandio
Rev. Nancy D. Stevens
& Mr. David L. Williams***
Judy & Erik von Bucher
Benjamin & Saundra Wallace
John & Melanie Ward
Philip & Anne Wehrheim
Stephen Wershing
Charlotte J. Wright

$1,000 – $1,499
Pamela & Todd Allen
Jeanne M. Beecher
Suzanne Bell & Chris Brown
Eric & Marcia Birken
Michael & Elizabeth Burns
Mary Ellen Burris
Stephanie Caffera
Mary Allison Callaway
Catherine Callery & Michael Nazar
Paula & Christopher Carter
Katherine Cove***
Suzanne & Allan Chapman
Ann & Steve Fox***
Bob & Bobbie Freitag
Richard Galvin
M. Lois Gauch
Don & Natalie George
The Gill Family Fund
George & Helen Greer Advised Fund
At The Community Foundation
Carl Grimm
Brigitte Gueldenpfennig
Richard Hare
Elmer C. Hartman
H. Larry & Dorothy C. Humm
Ebets & Tom Judson***
Judy & Norm Karsten
Arnold Kovalsky
Karen Kral
Marcy & Ray Kraus
Ellen Lewis
Amy Libenson & Brett Shulman
Patrick Macey & Jerry Casey
Bruce & Eleanor McLear
Don & Roxann Muller
Dr. Gary & Ruth Myers***
Kathy & Ted Nixon
Lois & John Palomaki
Mary Jane Proschel
Ken & Sheila Reasoner
Marvin Ritzenthaler & Steven Jarose
Bea Rosenbloom
Neal & Pam Sherman
Richard R. Spellicy
Richard & Sandy Stein
Sheree Usiatynski & David Evans
Jim & Linda Varner
Jean Carty Weaver
Pierce & Elizabeth Webb
Richard Whitmore
Patty Yarmel

$500 – $999
Martin Abraham
David & Marca Anderson
Susan Anderson
David & Jan Angus***
Betsy & Gerald Archibald
Virginia Bacheler & Skip Battaglia
Deanna G. Baker
Jim & Linda Baroody
Jim & Laurie Barr
Jon & Pat Bertucci
John & Cindy Blawski
Jeff & Kathy Bowen***
Ed & Maggie Cavalier
Bill Chandler
Victor Ciaraldi
& Kathleen Marchaesi-Ciaraldi
John & Alison Currie
Joe & Judy Darweesh***
Gabriel Del Vecchio
Dan & Jody DiLoreto
Terry Doherty
Victoria Doyle
Lynn & Pam Eberhardt
Marjorie & Stephen Elder
Sherman & Anne Farnham
Lynn & Neil Farrar***
Andrea & Richard Feldman
David & Anne Ferris
Elizabeth Fisher
Andrew & Jacquie Germanow
Robert Goeckel & Gay Greene
Ellen Goldenberg
Sharon Gray
Joe & Linda Hanna***
Carol K. Hardy
Brud & Molly Hedges
Katherine Herrmann
A. Dirk & Linda Hightower
John & Barbara Holder***
Dan & Sandy Hollands***
Audrey Holly
Louise D. Holmes
John & Bonnie Hood*
Drs. Nadette Jacob & Jules Zysman
Douglas & MaryAnne Jones***
Cornelia Kamp
Michael Keefe & Joann Surre-Keefe
Karen & Eugene Kehoe***
Robert G. Kimmel
Edward E. Klehr***
Mark Kolko & Mona Friedman Kolko
Ellen & Charles Konar
Michael & Marcy Kucharski
Werner & Susan Kunz
Kathleen & Alfred Laitenberger*
Rahul & Nirupama Laroia
Thomas & Connie Lathrop
Thomas & Terrie Lee***
Doris & Austin Leve
Meg & Bill Lloyd***
Christopher & Susan Luedde
F.M. Paul Lyons
Thomas & Sandra Madejski***
Massie Family Fund at Rochester
Area Community Foundation
Thomas & Betsy Matthews
Judie & George Mayo
H. Winn McCray
Ralph & Martha Meyer
Daniel M. Meyers
Sanford & Jill Miller
Stacey Miller & Brad VanAuken
Jonathan Mink & Janet Cranshaw
Emily Neece & Alan Ziegler
Helen Newman
Dr. Alan Nye
& Nancy BB Meyer-Nye
Marie & Donald Oakleaf
Vinny Orlindini
Maureen & Marty Palumbos
Eric & Penelope Pankow
Marian Payson & Helen Wiley
Terry Platt & Dianne Edgar
Thomas & Nancy Poeth***
Marjorie Power
Edwin & Roberta Przybylowicz
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Publow
Abby & Josh Reinhard
Valerie & Stefan Reuss
Steve Rosen & James Wood
Deborah Rubens
Richard & Louise Sadowski
Francie & Larry Schenck
Caroline Schultz
Jim & Daria Shaw
Norm & Jane Silverstein
Joseph E. Simpson
Jim & Marie Sorrentino
Rob & Janet Stewart
Sue & Karl Thielking***
Scott Turner
& Mary Worboys-Turner
Wayne & Anne Vander Byl
Anne Wallace
Kathy Wheat & Fred Schulte
Susan & Paul Wilkens
Kitty J. Wise
Susan & Larry Yovanoff
Eric I. Zeller Fund at Rochester Area
Community Foundation
Ted & Marcia Zornow

$250 – $499
Anonymous (3)
Carol Adler
Suzanne & Richard Albright
Michael Amorese
Bob & Dawn Auerhahn
Mary Jane Bafundo
Lon Baratz & Joseph Arena
Linda M. Betstadt***
Bette Blakeney & Jim Dulmage
Dennis & Amy Boike***
Patricia Bradley
Patricia Braus & Edwin Lopez
Ken & Kathy Brickell
Bertha R. Brinkley-Clancy
Andrew Burke
Dr. & Mrs. Richard & Peggy Burton
Lori Busch
Jane Capellupo
Jeannette Carra
Harriet & Jeff Carter***
Robert & Barbara Castle
Nancy Castro
Tony Cinquino
E. A. Claypoole***
Kathleen Cloonan
Dennis & Sharon Conheady
Carol & Stuart Cooper
Robert & Susan Daly
Richard & Claire Damaske
Susan Davis
Rachel & Jimmy DeGuzman
Linda Delaney
Alice DeMallie
Joseph DeRuyter***
Natalie Dickerson
The Dominas Family
Joan Dwyer
Samuel L. Edwards
& Judith K. Rickey
Gerald G. Estes
Karen Evans
Trevor & Elizabeth Ewell
Robin Fisher
Matthew Fleig
Barbara L. Frank
Lisabeth Frarey & Michael Christie
Bruce & Elizabeth Freeland
Cynthia Goetzmann
Joy Goodman & John Sawyer
William & Ruth Grace
Richard & Kathy Grunow
Mary E. Haverfield***
A. Scott Hecker
Jeff & Ruth Hedin
Maureen+ & Ken Hendel
Donna Himmelberg
James & Betsy Hoefen
Ellen Horey-Thiede
James & Sherrill Ison
Rabbi Alan & Jan Katz
Wally & Diane Knox
David & Andrea Lambert
Richard & Linda Lawrence
Thomas Lay
John Lebens & Florence Higgins
Phillip & Susan Lederer
Litt Family Fund
Marcia Lowry
Patricia Marks
Gail Mazur
Tom & Emily McCall***
Merri-Lou McKeever
Chris & Karen Mesolella
David & Nancy Munson
Thomas & Ronnie Nescot
James & Lois Norman
Jennie Oberholtzer
Charlie Owens
Phil Palumbo
Rick Papaj
Dolores F. Parlato
Yonite Pentelton
Louisa Pierson
Dr. Lee D. Pollan
Rich & Sue Portland
Dr. Brock Powell
Mark Raeside
James G. Reed
Dawn Riedy & David Berg
Ann & Robert Riemer
John Robb & Mary Jo Karpenko
Russell R. Roberts
Marion Robinson***
Raul Rodriguez
Karen Ross
Charles & Carolyn Ruffing***
Gerry & Fred Sauter
Kenneth Schirmuhly
Jon & Katherine Schumacher***
Anthony & Gloria Sciolino
Scott Sherin
Carolyn Smith
Ann H. Stevens
& William J. Shattuck
Stephen Sulkes & Melissa Schiff
Thomas & Linda Sullivan
Thomas & Rose Swartz
Edward Tanner & Elizabeth Treiber
Robert H. Thompson
& Bonnie DeVinney
Helen Urzetta Tortorici
Charles & Marian Turner
Sandra Vallot
Gerald & Beverly Verbridge
Patricia H. Wehle
Ann D. Weintraub
Dana Weiss & Carol Ebersole-Weiss
Robert S. Westfall
John & Laurie Witmeyer***
Eric Zeise & Ellen Henry
Charlie & Judy Zettek***

Other Donors included in
Visionary Society
Anonymous (2)
Robert August
Helen H. Berkeley
Joyce & Allen+ C. Boucher
Sergio & Mary Ann Esteban
The Gouvernet Arts Fund at The
Community Foundation
Gwendolyn Hoffberg
Jack & Barbara Kraushaar
Dan & Nancy Loughran
Jeanne B. McHugh+
Mike & Mary Ninnie
Jane Parker & Fran Cosentino
Wolfgang Pfizenmaier
Stephen I. Rosenfeld+
William H.+ & Anne Saunders
Kim & Janet Tenreiro
Elizabeth Vanhorn+
Deborah Wilson

*Education Supporters

**Literary or New Works Supporter

***Donors who have made a three-year commitment to Geva’s Annual Fund


We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these donor lists. However, if you see an error or omission, please accept our apology, and kindly call the Development Office at (585) 420-2049

Geva Theatre gratefully recognizes the following donors who have made a three-year commitment of $2,500 or more to Geva’s Annual Fund. (Donations listed are for the time period 3/1/24 to 3/1/25.)

Daniel & Elizabeth Abbas
Jeanine Arden-Ornt
& Daniel Ornt
Dennis & Mary Bassett
Katie Baynes & Joshua Stubbe
Carol & John Bennett
Nelson A. Blish & Sharon Stiller
Robert & Diane Boni
Peggy Boucher
Barbara & John Bruning
Philip & Sharon Burke
David J. & Margaret M. Burns
Margaret & Tim Busch
Essie Calhoun-McDavid
& Bernard McDavid
Betsy & John Carver
Center for Adolescent
& Young Adult Health
Gloria Culver & Joe Anderson
Ann Dozier & Guy Martin
Hope & Lance Drummond
William Eggers
& Deborah McLean
Franceen Elias-Stein
& Todd Stein
Peter Fackler & Kelly Barrett
Richard & Joan Fenton
Dave & Nance Fiedler
Paul & Mary Fromm
Patrick & Barbara Fulford
Bonnie Garner
Lori & Scott Green
Joanna & Michael Grosodonia
Christina Gullo
& John A. Mueller
James Haskins
& Michael Whistler
Jane Hasselkus & Richard Edic
Warren+ & Joyce Heilbronner
Dr. Tomás C. Hernández
& Dr. Keith S. Reas
Jean Horton
Norman Horton+
Emily Jones & Deborah Hughes
Paul & Lynne Kroner
Abhas Kumar
& Chetna Chandrakala
Harold & Christine Kurland
Diane & Stephen LaLonde
Barbara LaVerdi
& Bryan Donnelly
Jennifer Leonard
& David Cay Johnston
Edith M. Lord
Carol & Nick Love
Dan & Kiki Mahar
Annabelle Martin
Lisa Martinez DeVinney
Faheem & Laurie Masood
Diane & Jerry McCue
Peter & Elizabeth Messner
Steve Metzger
Michael & Frances Millard
Barbara Mitacek
Robert Neale & Rick Porlier
Nannette Nocon
& Karl Wessendorf
The Pace Family Fund
Shree Pandya
Don & Robin Pulver
Elizabeth Rennert
Averil & Michael Riley
Tom & Tammy Rogers
Dr. Gerald & Maxine Rosen
Laura J. Sadowski
Drs. Carl & OJ Sahler
Harold & Judy Samloff
Gary B. Schaefer
Richard & Vicki+ Schwartz
Gail Shoemaker
Joan & Ken Slater
James & Georgine Stenger
Bob & Gayle Stiles
Jim & Pam Stoffel
Maggie & Charlie Symington
Elizabeth M. Teall
Mimi & Sam Tilton
Susan & Robert Touhsaent
John S. Tritten
Wynndy Turner
Janet M. Tyler
Krestie Utech
Charis & Rich Warshof
Sherwin Weinstein
& Linda Cornell Weinstein
Joyce & William Weir
Carol J. Whitbeck
John Williams
Elizabeth Williamson
& Jennifer Tennant
Herb Winkelmann, Jr.
Helen A. Zamboni & Steven I. Rosen


We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these donor lists. However, if you see an error or omission, please accept our apology, and kindly call the Development Office at (585) 420-2049.

Geva Theatre gratefully acknowledges the generosity of the following friends of the theatre who have formalized their commitment to Geva in their estate plans:

Anonymous (2)
Jeanne M. Beecher
Helen H. Berkeley
Allen C. Boucher*
Beverly T. Bowen*
John & Betsy Carver
Derek & Janice Chapman*
Glenn & Rebecca Fadner
Donna Fielding*
Kenneth J. Figenscher+
Elizabeth Fisher
David & Linda Friedman
Jay+ & Betsy T. Friedman
Patrick & Barbara Fulford
Julia Grant
Jean Edgcumb Groff*
Richard & Marilyn+ Hare
Warren* & Joyce Heilbronner
Drs. Tomás D. Hérnandez
& Keith S. Reas
Nancy D. Hessler
David L. Hoffberg*
Norman Horton+
Nancie R. Kennedy*
Jack & Barbara Kraushaar
Drs. Dawn & Jacques+ Lipson
Richard Malinich*
Jeanne B. McHugh*
Ernestine W. Murray Chandler*
Eunice* & Donald Naulin
Emily Neece & Alan Ziegler
Dolores B. Owens*
Dr. Ramon & Judith Ricker
Marie Roberts
Dr. & Mrs. Harry Rosen
Stephen I. Rosenfeld*
Laura J. Sadowski
James G. Scanzaroli*
Richard & Vicki* Schwartz
Joan & Ken Slater
Ms. Rusty Smith*
Frederick & Mabel Stehler*
Maggie & Charlie Symington
Kim & Janet Tenreiro
Janet & John R. Tyler, Jr.*
Brad VanAuken
Elizabeth VanHorn*
Sherwin Weinstein &
Linda Cornell Weinstein
Henry W. Williams, Jr.*
Catharine J. Wise
John & Laurie Witmeyer
Robert B. Wolf
& Mary Alice Wolf*
Helen A. Zamboni

* Gift has been realized
+ Deceased

We would be pleased to know if you have included Geva in your estate plans so that we may appropriately honor you.
For information about the Legacy Society, please contact the Development Office at (585) 420-2049.

We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these donor lists.
However, if you see an error or omission, please accept our apology and kindly call the Development Office at (585) 420-2049.

Geva Theatre thanks the following donors for their generous contributions to Curtain Call 2024, the theatre’s annual fundraising gala.

Nocon & Associates
A private wealth advisory practice of
Ameriprise Financial Services, LLC.

ESL Charitable Foundation

Barbara LaVerdi & Bryan Donnelly
Madeline’s Catering LLC

Philip & Sharon Burke
Sam & Mimi Tilton
GP Flooring Solutions

LaBella & Associates
Dennis & Mary Bassett
Barbara Bruning & Hope Drummond
East House
Diane McCue
Robert Neale & Richard Porlier
Helen Zamboni

Jeanine Arden-Ornt & Dr. Daniel Ornt

(Donors of $250 or more)
M&T Bank
Martin & Nancy Abraham
Jim & Laurie Barr
Jacob L. Barragato
Dennis & Mary Bassett
Patricia Beaumont & Len Swain
Kenneth & Kathleen Brickell
Marjorie Bricks
Barbara Burke
Philip & Sharon Burke
Michael & Elizabeth Burns
David J. & Margaret M. Burns
Margaret & Tim Busch
Lori Busch
Paula & Christopher Carter
Shirley Cirillo
Michael Clark
Keith & Celeste Cleary
Sherwin Weinstein & Linda Cornell Weinstein
Frank & Susan Crego
Barbara de Leeuw
Rachel & Jimmy DeGuzman
Alice DeMallie
Terry Doherty
Victoria Doyle
Joan Dwyer
Dave & Nance Fiedler
Carolyn Foti
Marilynn Garbarino
Bonnie Garner
Bill Garrison
Jon & Kathy Gorom
Richard and Sharon Gray
Joanna & Michael Grosodonia
Richard & Kathy Grunow
Christina Gullo & John A. Mueller
Jane Hasselkus & Richard Edic
Katherine Herrmann
Laura Hopps
Sarah Kroetz
Abhas Kumar & Chetna Chandrakala
Thomas & Connie Lathrop
Barbara LaVerdi & Bryan Donnelly
Michelle Lee
Jennifer Leonard & David Cay Johnston
Lisa Martinez DeVinney
Chris & Karen Mesolella
Peter & Elizabeth Messner
Peg Meyers
Sally Millick
Mary A. Mills
Ligaya Nocon
Nannette Nocon & Mr. Karl Wessendorf
Rhonda Noto
Dan & Jo-Ann O’Brien
William J. O’Connor Jr.
Vinny Orlindini
Tom & Peggy Osenbach
Charlie Owens
Rick Papaj
Yonite Pentelton
Robert & Maria Postgate
Tony Quercia
Raul Rodriguez
Marlene Rogalski
Christine Schaller
Craig Shaw
Kelly & Kathleen Shea
Scott Sherin
Pam & Neal Sherman
Malcolm & Elaine Spaull
Kiley Sullivan
Sam & Mimi Tilton
Wynndy Turner
Stephen R. Webb
Doug & Judith A. Webster
Carol J. Whitbeck
John Williams
Susan Yovanoff
Louis Zambelli

Billsboro Winery
Century Liquor and Wines
Conolly Printing
Empire Digital Signs
Entre Computer Services
Rockcastle Florist
Gourmet Goodies
Genesee Brewing Company
Madeline’s Catering LLC
Mundell Modern Pixels Photography
Tito’s Handmade Vodka

(Donors of $250 or more)
MAE Beads
Rochester Red Wings
Ape and Canary
Ethan Allen Pittsford Design Studio
Pinnacle Wine & Liquor
Wines for Humanity
Drag Me to the Stage LLC
Locust Hill Country Club
California Closets
The Strong National Museum of Play
Rochester Gay Men’s Chorus
L’Objet Wines
Hana Pilates & Bodyworks
Iron Smoke Distillery
Landmark Society of Western New York, Inc.
New York Kitchen
Tito’s Handmade Vodka
Finger Lakes Opera, Inc.
Susan B. Anthony Museum & House
Scott Miller Salon & Spa
Billsboro Winery
Tantalo Fine Portraits
House of Guitars
Corn Hill Navigation
Bilbilravago LLC
Black Button Distilling
Madeline’s Catering LLC
Century Liquor and Wines
Philip Burke
Margaret Busch
Sam & Mimi Tilton
Paul Guglielmo
Carol Love
Nannette Nocon
Charlie Owens
Shree Pandya
Helen Zamboni

We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of these donor lists. However, if you see an error or omission, please accept our apology, and kindly call the Development Office at (585) 420-2049.